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处级领导     威望811

    小编 最近看了很多娱乐新闻,都在报道各种明星相恋很久、结婚很久之后相继出轨、离婚、找小三的事情。小编就在想,相爱了那么久、在一起了那么久为什么还会说分开就分开,为什么说翻脸就可以翻脸呢。难道爱情对于他们来说就是一个很简单的事情吗?在小编看来,他们可以随时结婚,随时离婚。毫无爱情的存在。那么我们到底需要什么样的爱情呢?




[ 此帖被小糯米在2016-01-12 16:56重新编辑 ]
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新人     威望4
只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2016-02-26 18:52
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股级村干部     威望174
只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2016-02-27 15:27
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平头百姓     威望77
只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2016-05-13 12:02
ah! My dear rich taste through the respiratory tract, into my heart,, this taste, what is, in the end what is it? Yeah, I know! That is called "familiar". He is too unnatural, too natural,, always in my tired when it is more strong, but also always in my tired when the time to appear.
tired of the time, I thought of the roof of the house that was filled with joy.
< p > tired, I think of in front of the tree pink flower on foreign peach trees, foreign peach tree open clusters safflower powder of Mimosa.
friend, tired of the time, what do you think of? Thought or blank? Is to continue or to stop, not in the pursuit of your dream to give up.
tired of the time, I thought of wearing a gold framed glasses, amiable smile.
tired, my hands are shaking;
tired, I thought of "persistence is victory, my friend!" Strong encouragement.
< p > tired, I think of a violent temper; show "VAT" figure,, faster than the pages turn of expression. For a few months do not see I clip vegetables of shaking.
< p > tired, I thought on the temples of the hair,, was dry years,, this time even the package of black carbon in the face is dwarfed by the skin.
familiar,, let my hand firmly, as if Red Bull energy is excited;
tired,, I think "sister, good reading" resounding voice.
familiar, let my head clear, such as the negative ions in the presence of.
at this moment, "familiar" floating in my mind.
tired, also want to make a turnaround. Recommended, feeling of destiny may Sophorae Shannon year red etc.,, a sunny Tung Blossom Qianqiu whisper smile Bodhi Buddha holding my hand Island Coconut I live at dawn
familiar, let my footsteps light, as if in the wind;
< p > "knowing that mountain tiger, undeterred by the" is a kind of courage. He wants us to put into action,, again big and high ridge. You must also be relying on the courage to conquer it. Otherwise,, you are a slave to it,, grovels, no ideas, no soul.
was tired, my head was chaotic;
tired, I have a heavy step;
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平头百姓     威望20
只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2016-05-16 10:25
我爱他 他爱我 我们可以勇敢的说出来

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